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Notices for October 2024:

Pool Key Exchange will take place on 10/5/2024 (Saturday) at 10am at the pool. If you have a pool key to exchange, remember to bring it with you. If you do not have a pool key to exchange, there is a $75 fee to obtain a new key. Please bring check or money order as we do NOT accept cash. 

Keep scrolling for more notices...

Board of Directors Meeting - Meetings are for unit owners only and unit owners can ask questions at the end of the meeting. We invite all unit owners to attend. 

If you'd like to
rent or sell your unit please contact the Board first. All renters and all adults living in each condo home, or owning the condo home, are required to complete the application and background check. 

Remember NOTHING should be attached to the building or you will receive a violation. 

If your front flower bed does not comply with the
2021 Rules & Regulations or if you have planted something in the common area without prior approval you will be issued a violation. If the violation is not remedied the Board can remove said items and the unit owner will be charged the fees/assessments for the removal. Unit Owners do not own the land in front of, behind or on the sides of their unit. Please make sure to remove any items not in compliance asap, or that are against the front fences and that block the landscapers. We are working on beautifying our community while creating a standard of uniformity. This will increase the value of your home and help our community look great. Landscaping Guidelines

***IMPORTANT INFROMATION FOR RENTERS/OWNERS***:  Do not go behind the units in our community to get to Tavares Crossroads (Publix, Taco Bell, Popeyes, etc.). This is considered Trespassing. The shopping center created the stormwater pond and landscape barrier to help deter this behavior. You are responsible for your guests, and they are not permitted to do this either. There has been trash and debris left, damage to plants that are not on our property that we could be held responsible for, damage to fencing that does and does not belong to the HOA, and this is against our Rules and Regulations. If you are caught "dumping" items behind the fence you can be fined by Lake County for littering. 

You cannot tether your dog!  State and County laws prohibit you from using a chain, rope, leash or other items to secure your dog outside unsupervised. You cannot attach a leash to a stake, tree or anything else and allow your dog to be outside tied up, or tethered. If we see this happening, we will contact Animal Control.

Parking spots marked with "Owner" and the unit number are ONLY for Unit Owners. Anyone else parking in a Unit Owner spot can be towed and will be responsible for towing fees. There is no parking in the street or the grass. Additional parking is on the hill by the water tank or near the front entrance. Do not park in other Owner's designated parking spots. 

BEFORE you purchase a recreational vehicle, boat, trailer, etc. make sure there is room on the hill for your vehicle, and room to get it in or out easily without damaging other vehicles, fences, etc. Space is limited. There is a form you must complete and submit. TRCHA is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to anything stored/parked on the hill. ALL vehicles must have a current tag and insurance. 

Friday, May 3rd: Citizens Insurance is sending a representative named Amber, with Sutton Inspections to take pictures of our roofs. She will not be going on the roofs, but she will be getting close to condo homes as she does her work. Please do not interrupt her work. If you have any questions, please contact our Property Manager with RealManage by phone or email.

Effective 1/1/24: TRCHA Monthly Dues will be $250.00

Board Meetings will be held the third Wednesday of every month at 6pm via Zoom. Please see the TRCHA Blog for further information

5/17/23 NEW Termite Bonds with Massey. Massey will be conducting an inspection within the next month and placing bait traps throughout the community. The Baiting System installed on the property will comply with the manufacturer's label and with the current regulations as approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the state of Florida. Massey will be inspecting the property annually or when deemed necessary. If you are adding an addition or concrete slab to your unit, you must contact Massey at 888-262-7739 for additional information and possible treatment BEFORE moving forward with your project. Failure to do so could result in a cancellation of our contract. 

2/1/2023 we have NEW way to complete your applications and background checks for your potential buyers and renters. This will now be completed online via RealManage's
TenantEvaluation. This will help you, your potential buyer/renter, and us expedite your application and background check process. This will also allow your potential buyers and renters to see the status of their application as well, so they know where they stand in the process. **

your chairs outside. If you wish to sit outside, take the chairs back inside when you are done. Also, DO NOT LEAVE children's toys, bicycles, or any other items outside overnight. With the windstorms we have these items could become projectiles and damage the buildings or someone's vehicle. Please note that any damage caused by said items and not following the Rules and Regulations, will become the responsibility of that unit owner. 

Remember NOTHING
should be attached to the building or you will receive a violation. This is causing damage to the stucco and cracks are forming over time that we as a community now have to repair. This includes security cameras, doorbells, lights, décor, holiday décor, etc. Peephole cameras are the ONLY approved camera for our community. We have approximately $5,000 per building in stucco damage at this time and we do not wish to accrue any additional charges because someone is violating this particular rule. If you are caught with a violation that causes damage to the stucco, you will be responsible for the repairs. 

If your front flower bed does not comply with the 2021 Rules & Regulations or if you have planted something in the common area without prior approval you will be issued a violation. If the violation is not remedied the Board will remove said items and the unit owner will be charged the fees/assessments for the removal. We are working on beautifying our community while creating a standard of uniformity. This will increase the value of your home and help our community look great. Landscaping Guidelines

Recorded Rules & Regulations effective 11/10/21 approved by the BOD 5/24/21. 

Effective 11/11/2021: New Landscaping Guidelines and
New Pet Rules

Effective 9/1/21 RealManage is managing the community. 

Please register or log in by clicking in the top right corner of our website to visit our blog with updates, information, & more.

Managed by: 


135 W. Central Blvd. Suite 720

Orlando, Florida 32801


P: 1-866-473-2573

Contact our Property Manager:

Via Email - Just Click Here

© 2021-2024 TRCHA, Inc.

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